Friday, January 28, 2011

Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2011 Info Beasiswa

Beasiswa Luar Negeri 2011 - Info Beasiswa 2011 - Beasiswa 2011 Terbaru. Mendengar kata beasiswa, tentu ada pikiran anda melayang-layang karena tentunya meraih beasiswa luar negeri merupakan sebuah prestasi yang dapat dibanggakan, maka tak jarang banyak orang berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan beasiswa luar negeri tersebut karena seringkali informasi yang didapatkan sangat minim. Oleh karena itu kami ingin membantu anda dalam memberikan informasi mengenai program beasiswa 2011 tersebut. Dan berikut adalah informasi mengenai beasiswa luar negeri yang dapat anda ikuti;

A. Scholarship opportunity for International students for pursuing Masters and PhD studies at University of Manitoba, Canada.

Beginning with the 2007/2008 academic session, scholarships will be offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. degrees at the University of Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:

are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits) continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master’s program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a Ph.D. program after completing a Master’s degree at the University of Manitoba;
are paying the international student tuition fee;
have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over the equivalent of the last two completed years of study;
show great promise as researchers and as graduate students.
are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.

The value of the scholarship is $4,000. Scholarships will be offered until available funds are exhausted. Funding will be confirmed on an annual basis.
Pelajar Indonesia yang tertarik untuk mengirimkan aplikasi pendaftaran beasiswa ke Kanada di University of Manitoba, silahkan unduh di sini. Batas pengiriman aplikasi pendaftaran beasiswa luar negeri ke University of Manitoba Canada adalah 1 Maret 2011. Semoga berhasil.

B. London Business School Deutsche Bank Women’s Scholarship
MBA Scholarships at London Business School Deutsche Bank provided for Women MBA Students of Any Nationality Including Female Students from Nigeria, Africa and Every Other country.

The Deutsche Bank scholarships will be awarded to MBA and Masters in Finance students in the AMOUNT of £20,000 each. These extremely generous awards are designed to enable talented women with an interest in the finance sector to study at London Business School.
Successful MBA recipients of the scholarship will be fast-tracked to final round summer internship interviews. This scholarships funded by Deutsche Bank and this open for All successful female MBA applicants who have an interest in the financial services industry.

Applicants must be Women MBA students of any nationality including female students from Nigeria, Africa and Every other country.
To be considered for admission to London Business School’s MBA Programme, students are required to submit.
Deadline for this MBA scholarship is March 2nd, 2011. Pelajar Indonesia yang tertarik mengirim aplikasi pendaftaran untuk beasiswa London Business School program Deutsche Bank Women’s Scholarship ini dapat mengakses situs resminya di sini.

C. Beasiswa Belgia Developing Countries Program 2011
The French-language universities of Belgium will award 150 scholarships and 70 training grants in 2011-2012 to applicants from developing countries through Belgium’s University Commission for Development. This Belgium scholarship is for study subject: Aquaculture, tropical animal and plant resources, environmental management, management of natural hazards, environment and communities, innovations in family farming, and others.

Within the programme for international courses and training programmes 2011-2012, CIUF grants 150 scholarships for participation into the courses and 70 for participation into the training programmes.

1. Only applicants originating in developing countries, qualify for selection. To be eligible, candidates must reside and work in their country at the time of the introduction of the file.

2. Only the nationals of the following countries are authorized to postulate with our Scholarships :

South Africa, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Uganda, Peru, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, El Salvador, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Palestinian territories, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

3. At the beginning of the programme, candidates must be less than 40 years old for courses, and less than 45 years old for training programmes.

4. Candidates must be holders of a degree that is comparable to a Belgian University graduate degree (“licence”). However, for certain programmes different rules of admissibility may be defined, and these are specified hereafter, where appropriate.

5. Candidates must show professional experience of at least two years upon termination of their studies. Where candidates are holders of a postgraduate degree delivered by an university of an industrial country, they must show professional experience of at least three years upon termination of their studies.

6. Candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken French; for programmes organised in another language, good knowledge, in writing and speaking, of this language, is required. Moreover, the candidate will be asked to commit himself to study French in order to be able to participate in daily life in Belgium.

7. Candidates are not allowed to apply for more than one programme.
Deadline beasiswa Belgia 2011 ini adalah 14 Februari 2011. Bagi Anda yang tertarik mengirimkan aplikasi untuk beasiswa luar negeri ke Belgia program 2011 Developing Countries, Anda dapat mengakses halaman resminya di sini.

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