Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mid-Week Motivation: I am NOT your Costume

I am a human being.
I am not your Halloween costume.
I am not your party theme.
I am not your mascot. 
I am not your costume.

These are some of my awesome friends and classmates from the Stanford Native community, protesting the use of "Native" themes at campus frat parties back in 2009. I thought it was fitting to bring it back today, given our recent discussions of frat parties and halloween costumes.

Also, awesomely (and the reason I re-found it), the picture made it all the way to a blog I am a huge fan of, a allure garconniere, for her halloween post--and she's in Quebec! The words under the picture actually came from this tumblr, and I'm amazed at how many people re-posted it. So cool.

Here's another shot of Kanani, Edie, and Rachel, some of the beautiful Stanford Native Hawaiians:

You guys continue to inspire me from afar. So proud of y'all. Even in the face of injustice and racism, there are always people fighting the good fight.

(Thanks Leon (they're his pictures), and Julia!)

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